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pink skies over the water with yellow flowers, Westbrook ct photographer

Can’t you feel it? Spring is in the air and I love it. It’s still light so much later now. I know we have a ways to go, but there were even a couple of days I opened a window to let some fresh spring air in! I’m not going to lie – winter is […]

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As summer comes to an end, I am getting ready to post my last image for my first personal project 100 Days of Summer. I thought it would be fun to pick my top ten favorite photos from them all! It definitely was not easy always having an image for every single day and I […]

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Milky Way over Westbrook Beach, Connecticut landscape photographer

As I write this blog post I have just past Day 80 of my Personal Project 100 Days of Summer. That is 40 more images since my last blog post I made about my project. I have really enjoyed doing this – shooting and posting everyday. Not only have I grown as a photographer in […]

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pink and blue skies with a boat in downtown essex, ct

I am so happy the weather has finally gotten nice again and spring is here. I have not been blogging but I did have a very busy winter! After starting my photography business last summer I had several photo sessions that continued into the fall. After the holidays, I completely immersed myself into becoming a better photographer by doing […]

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