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beautiful family of four at the beach, CT Family photographer

I could not wait to share this recent beautiful family session taken at the beach! Beach sessions are some of my favorite, and here along the CT shoreline we are blessed with so many great beaches. This family is very special to me because I’ve known this mom for many years. I view her like […]

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boy in blonde hair and pink shirt holding lacrosse stick for his senior photo session, CT shoreline photographer

Meet Scott, Class of 2023! Late this past spring, I photographed this handsome high school boy for his senior photo session in Old Saybrook, CT. Scott’s mom told me the family had fond memories of growing up at Cornfield Point, which is a beach neighborhood in Old Saybrook. Scott wanted some of his senior photos […]

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big family together at the park, CT Extended Family Photo Shoot

On a gorgeous day last fall, I had the honor of doing an extended family photo shoot for one of very favorite extended families! We met up at Bauer Park in Madison, CT. Of course Bauer Park is lovely any time of year, but especially shines with brilliant colors during the fall months. This was […]

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little boy smelling flowers in a field with his parents, Madison CT family and senior photographer

I couldn’t wait to share these beautiful family photos on the beach of a very special family. I met the dad at the office I work at several years ago. At the time, he had just become engaged to his wife, and soon she became a patient of mine too. They had a special and […]

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boy in black hair standing against a wall, CT high school senior boy photo session

Meet Jack, Class of 2023! I recently met up with this handsome high school senior boy for his senior photo session, right in his own backyard. When Jack’s mom reached out about doing Jack’s senior session, she told me they had a big, beautiful back yard with a dock and a pond that the whole […]

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pregnant woman in red dress with husband in a field for a maternity photoshoot in CT

I am very excited to share a very special maternity photoshoot I did early last fall in Madison, CT. This beautiful, expectant mama is a friend of mine, and I was so happy to have been with her throughout her pregnancy. Of course, I was honored to be her maternity photographer! We had such a […]

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family with new baby laying together in bed, Newborn Session in Chester CT

Early this past spring, I had the honor and privilege to be the newborn photographer for this wonderful new family of five! These two big brothers welcomed their new baby brother, and was my heart ever full watching this close and loving family. This family is located right in quaint downtown Chester CT, which just […]

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girl in white top laying in a garden of flowers, Senior Photo session at Elizabeth State Park, CT

Meet Patience, Class of 2023! I recently captured this beauty’s high school senior photos at Elizabeth State Park in West Hartford, CT. I was so excited with Patience wanted her senior photos taken at Elizabeth State Park in the springtime. Of course, this park is better known for its formal gardens laid out with arches […]

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girl in blue dress at the beach, Gorgeous Senior Photo session, Madison, CT photographer, beautiful senior photos

After doing a whole lot of senior sessions these past few years, I’ve figured out there are a few things that every senior should bring with them to their session. Seniors are BUSY! Between school, sports, jobs, and extracurricular activities, I thought a nice little checklist would be helpful to have. I’ve come up with […]

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baby laying in her crib, CT Newborn Photographer

Recently I had the privilege to be the newborn photographer in Westbrook CT for this sweet new family of four. It’s hard to believe I was just there less than 2 years ago when big sister was a newborn herself! Just like big sister, this sweet new baby was as content as could be, stopping […]

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