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brother and sister smiling at waters edge

As I type this post it is the last day of 2018 and oh, what a happy year it has been! I completed my first full year in business. I continued to learn and improve by taking photography workshop after workshop. A favorite one I took was called The World Around You  at the fabulous […]

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mom and daughter hugging and laughing in field of flowers, essex, ct photographer

One of my favorites images I had taken for my personal project 100 Days of Summer was taken at this gorgeous, light-filled field of flowers. This place is so unique. It has almost a magical feel to it, like there might be little pretty fairies hidden among the rows of flowers. I could just imagine taking […]

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family of three holding hands walking along the beach

I was thrilled when I was asked to photograph this beautiful couple again, this time when HIS parents came to visit for an extended family session, in Madison, CT. His absolutely adorable little girl was here too. Oh, how I love to photograph little girls. 🙂 Holly was so adorable in her pretty pink dress […]

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