About CT Shoreline Photographer, Linda Sobolewski

My interests are simple: coffee, workouts, and being outdoors surrounded by beautiful scenery. There’s nothing like getting up early to photograph the sun rising over the CT shoreline. I enjoy taking high school senior portraits, lifestyle newborn photography, and capturing family gatherings in beautiful settings. My goal as a family photographer in Connecticut is to provide easy and comfortable portrait sessions as well as timeless, lasting images.

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3 Things To Do If Your Child Won’t Cooperate During Your Photo Session

Family Photography

Worried your child won’t cooperate during your family photo session? Well, you’re looking at yours truly with my youngest daughter in this photo below. When my girls were 2 and 3 years old, I did a photo session and my adorable little 2 year old wanted NOTHING to do with any of it. I was stressed because not only would she NOT look at the camera but she kept running away! Even though this photo was taken over 20 years ago, I vividly remember me trying to coax her into looking at the camera as the photographer took the picture.

We finally did manage to get a couple of her looking at the camera (with a stiff, cheesy looking smile) but the one below is by far my favorite. I love the light on the back of her hair, her cute little profile, and how close we are together. She was the most delicious little 2 year old and this was her personality at that time.

And by the way, these precious framed prints are hanging up in my home, and are some of my most treasured possessions, but that’s a post for another day.

mom hugging her little girl, Blog Post for What Happens If My Child won't cooperate during my session, CT Family photographer
black and white images of a mom and her little girl, Blog post for Old Saybrook, CT Family Photographer - What to do if my child won't cooperate during our  photo session

While you know it’s important to get family photos and you WANT to get them, you also know your 2 year old probably won’t be on his or her “best behavior”. In fact, just like me, you feel stressed just thinking about how he or she will behave!

What does misbehaving for a photo session exactly mean, anyway? Not sitting still, not cooperating, crying?

I have photographed many, many children. Most toddlers, especially in the 2 to 3 year old range, will give me about 30 seconds where they will look at the camera. Maybe a minute, but that. is. it. I am not exaggerating.

Here are 3 things to do if your child won’t cooperate during your photo session.

  1. BE READY. As the parents, be ready in those first few minutes to quickly pose and look at the camera. We only have a few minutes. Then….
  2. Let them run around.
  3. Have fun with them. Seriously, thats it.

I have lots and lots of games and tricks up my sleeve. I will have you all playing together, running, skipping, singing, hugging, dancing…and I will be razor-sharp focused on capturing the images of you laughing and interacting with each other.

If you feel stressed with your child, it will show in the photos. In fact, those photos probably won’t make it into your final gallery. But the photos of you having fun with your children? Not only will those images be in your final gallery, those will be the ones you will treasure the most.

families playing together, CT Family Photographer. 3 things to do if your child won't cooperate for your family session
families playing together, CT Family Photographer
families playing together, CT Family Photographer

To get in touch with me about a session of your own, click below. I’d love to chat!

Linda Sobolewski is an on-location, natural-light, professional photographer specializing in seniorsbabyfamily & children photography.

Linda Sobolewski Photography is based out of Old Saybrook, CT and serves the Connecticut shoreline and surrounding areas.

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