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self portrait, why personal projects are so good to do, Westbrook ct photographer

Personal Projects are so good to do. Last week I talked about, and shared some images from my winter project, 42 Days of Magic. Basically, it was a 6-week project with weekly themes and daily prompts, hosted by the very talented, (and funny!) Laura Beth Davidson, a photographer I discovered on Instagram. After completing my summer project, 100 Days of Summer, […]

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two girls laughing with a blanket wrapped around them at the beach, old Saybrook ct lifestyle photographer

After I completed my first Personal Project, 100 Days of Summer, I was on the hunt for something new to take on as my winter project for 2018/2019. Personal projects are so great. They make photography fun and personal. The right project can inspire and energize, and makes me shoot for myself and nobody else. […]

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